ТОП 250
Ross Alex
Ross Alex
17 книг
Об авторе
17 книг
The Rest Is Noise Series: Doctor Faust: Schoenberg, Debussy, and Atonality
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Beethoven Was Wrong: Bop, Rock, and the Minimalists
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Music for All: Music in FDR’s America
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Death Fugue: Music in Hitler’s Germany
Ross Alex
Listen to This
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Dance of the Earth: The Rite, the Folk, le Jazz
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Invisible Men: American Composers from Ives to Ellingt...
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: The Golden Age: Strauss, Mahler, and the Fin de Siecle
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: The Art of Fear: Music in Stalin’s Russia
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Zion Park: Messiaen, Ligeti, and the Avant-Garde of th...
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Apparition from the Woods: The Loneliness of Jean Sibe...
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: City of Nets: Berlin in the Twenties
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Zero Hour: The U.S. Army and German Music, 1945–1949
Ross Alex
The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: “Grimes! Grimes!”: The Passion of Benjamin Britten
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Sunken Cathedrals: Music at Century’s End
Ross Alex
The Rest Is Noise Series: Brave New World: The Cold War and the Avant-Garde of t...
Ross Alex