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Фигури на ужаса в южно-славянската експресионистична поезия. Гео Милев, Милош Църнянски, Мирослав Кърлежа

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Фигури на ужаса в южно-славянската експресионистична поезия
Гео Милев, Милош Църнянски, Мирослав Кърлежа
Георги Методиев Христов

© Георги Методиев Христов, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-6827-1

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


Figures of horror in the South Slavic expressionist poetry

The text examines the appearance and function of horror figures in representative texts in the south Slavic expressionist discourse, within the poetry appearances of Miroslav Krleža («Pjesme» – I, II and III), Miloš Crnjanski («Lyrics of Ithaca» – «Vidovdanske Pesme») and Geo Milev («Hell», «September», and «The Cruel Ring»). By interpretations of the current period philosophical and psychological views, by the vision of Sartre’s Existentialism and mostly by the social-psychological theory of the Symbolic Interactionism of George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer, this is viewed by the situational symbolism of the socio-cultural model the creation, interpretative assumptions and constructed meanings in the texts of the characteristic figures and metaphors of horror. The monitoring is mainly in the communication context, and as a manifestation of the specific expression of Avant-garde art as a state of mind, a typology of thinking and way of aesthetic assimilation of the world. The sign relations of the lexical items are tracked by the three consciousnesses formulated by Roland Barthes (symbolic, paradigmatic and syntagmatic) and is summarized in terms of its regional literal representation, as well as in a European cultural context. Attention is drawn to the relations and the duality of forms metaphorical dual process, as well as in the syntax (characterizing the express) proportions, which appear to be representative of the overall poetics of Expressionism.

Autor: Georgi Hristov – MA, MSc



І. Европейският авангард и южнославянските литератури.

1. Авангардизмът: жест, комуникация, диалог и символна


2. Експресионизмът в южнославянските литератури. Литературно-естетически програми.

ІІ. Субектът в ситуация на застрашеност. Темата за войната.

ІII. Фигури на ужаса в авангардната поезия на Мирослав Кърлежа, Милош Църнянски и Гео Милев.


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