"Wake up there! This is no place to sleep."
The speaker was a policeman, the scene was City Hall Park, and the person addressed was a boy of perhaps sixteen, who was reclining on one of the park benches, with a bundle at his side.
The officer accompanied his admonition with a shaking which served to arouse the young sleeper.
"Is it morning?" asked the boy, drowsily, not yet realizing his situation.
"No, it isn't. Don't you know where you are?"
"I know now," said the boy, looking about him.
"Come, get up, Johnny! This is no place for you," said the officer, not unkindly, for he was a family man, and had a boy of his own not far from the age of the young wayfarer.
The boy got up, and looked about him undecidedly. Clearly he did not know where to go.
"Are you a stranger in the city?" asked the policeman.
"Yes, sir. I only got here this afternoon."