The girls were in the convent garden, when word came that Dorothy Gilbert was wanted. Dorothy was walking with Frances Vernon. Ever since she could remember her world had been that garden, with its shaded walks and its high walls; never before had a visitor come to her. The moment she was told that someone desired her presence she turned to Frances, exclaiming:
"It is he!"
With characteristic impetuosity Frances threw her arms about her, remarking as she did so:
"Just as we were speaking of him!"
As if there were anything strange in that. The strangeness would have been if he had come when they had not been speaking of him; for, of late, they had spoken of little else. Elsie Farquhar, who had brought the message, pressed it home.
"You had better be quick, Dorothy. Sister Celestine said you were to hurry."
So Dorothy hurried, her tall slender figure held very straight, her pretty head a little in the air, in her eyes a gleaming light. She believed herself to be passing from a world she knew into one of which she had dreamed. But she was mistaken; she was going into a world of which she had not dreamed. Sister Celestine met her at the door.
"It is Mr Emmett?" she inquired.
"Yes," replied the Sister, "it is Mr Emmett."
Something in her tone; on her face; in her glance; struck quick-witted Dorothy.