A few hours before the sailing of the steamer Polynesia, from San Francisco to Japan, and while Captain Strathmore stood on deck watching the bustle and hurry, he was approached by a nervous, well-dressed gentleman, who was leading a little girl by the hand.
“I wish you to take a passenger to Tokio for me, Captain Strathmore,” said the stranger.
The honest, bluff old captain, although tender of the feelings of others, never forgot the dignity and respect due to his position, and, looking sternly at the stranger, said:
“You should know, sir, that it is the purser and not the captain whom you should see.”
“I have seen him, and cannot make a satisfactory arrangement.”
“And that is no reason, sir, why you should approach me.”
The captain was about moving away, when the stranger placed his hand on his arm, and said, in a hurried, anxious voice:
“It is not I who wish to go–it is this little girl. It is a case of life and death; she must go! You, as captain, can take her in your own cabin, and no one will be inconvenienced.”
For the first time Captain Strathmore looked down at the little girl, who was staring around her with the wondering curiosity of childhood.
She was apparently about six years of age, and the picture of infantile innocence and loveliness. She was dressed with good taste, her little feet being incased in Cinderella-like slippers, while the pretty stockings and dress set off the figure to perfection. She wore a fashionable straw hat, with a gay ribbon, and indeed looked like a child of wealthy parents, who had let her out for a little jaunt along some shady avenue.