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Why I Preach the Second Coming

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Haldeman Isaac Massey
Why I Preach the Second Coming


THE subject of this volume is an address delivered by the Author before the World’s Conference on Christian Fundamentals at Philadelphia, May 30, 1919.

The reasons for preaching and teaching the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ are manifold and each one worth while.

The Author has contented himself with presenting a few as follows:

The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is the one event most often recorded in Holy Scripture.

It is bound up with every fundamental doctrine, with every sublime promise and every exhortation to high, to holy and practical Christian living.

Only at the Second Coming of our Lord will redemption be complete and the blood of the cross be justified.

Not till our Lord Jesus Christ comes the Second time will the Church be exalted into her true function of rulership over the world.

Only at the Second Coming will the solemn and covenant promises of God to Israel be fulfilled.

Only at the Second Coming of the Christ of God will a government of everlasting righteousness and peace be established on the earth.

It is at the Second Coming of Christ alone that the earth will be delivered from the bondage of corruption and transformed into the paradise of God.