Captain. Wide-bottomed trousers, and “Reefer” of blue; blue shirt; black handkerchief; bald wig for own; black wig and big black whiskers for disguise.
Dolby. Checkered suit; gaiters; Jockey cap.
Charles. Blue flannel suit; wide-brimmed straw hat.
Carlos. Wide straw hat; heavy shoes; blue stockings; short pants; and jacket open; with red or yellow waistcoat; red wig.
Nelly. Pretty muslin dress, with apron and morning cap.
Mrs. C. Morning dress.
Miss Persis. Red wig, with long curls. Dress very high-colored; spectacles of a light blue; hat. She is rather old, with affected girlish dress and ways.
SCENE. —Sitting-room in farm-house. Door in flat C. Window in flat L. Lounge under window. Table L. corner, back, with cover, books, and flowers. Small table, R. C. Arm-chair, L. C. Chair, L., near first entrance. Door R. and L. Nelly discovered dusting.
Nelly (throwing brush on lounge). That will do for to-day. It’s time Carlos were back from the post-office. I am anxious to obtain a letter from my invisible adorer, Dixon Dolby. How my good brother would open his eyes if he knew the extent of my wickedness. Three months ago, six of us girls at school, desirous of acquiring proficiency in correspondence, agreed to write to gentlemen whom we had never met, but whom we knew by reputation to be gentlemen. My choice was my brother’s chum before his marriage, Dixon Dolby. My plan succeeded admirably. He answered the note signed, Rosa Bean. The most tender and impassioned epistles followed on both sides, until at last he had the impudence to request an exchange of photographs. I consented, but was not fool enough to allow him to discover my identity; so, to secure his, I sent instead a photograph of my brother’s wife. I knew they had never met, but they must; and when they do, won’t there be fun. I only hope I shall be at the denouement. Ah! here’s Carlos.
(Enter Carlos, C., with two letters and a paper.)