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Latin Phrase-Book

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Henry William Auden
Latin Phrase-Book


Although, ideally speaking, a phrase-book should always be compiled by the pupil himself from his own individual observation, yet in these days, when an extended curriculum tends to curtail considerably the amount of Latin read, it seems to me that anything which may help boys to some knowledge of Latinity in a short time is not wholly useless. Hence this translation. The use of such books as Meissner's Phraseologie involves no new and untried principles, witness the excellent results obtained in Germany, where the book has passed through six editions. It has also been translated into French (the translation is now in its third edition) and Italian.

My best thanks are due to Professor Meissner for his courtesy in allowing me to make this translation, also to Professor Pascal of Reims, to whose admirable translation I am much indebted.




I. The World and Nature

1. The World – Creation

rerum or mundi universitas– the universe.

rerum natura or simply natura– creation; nature.

haec omnia, quae videmus– the visible world.

totius mundi convenientia et consensus– the perfect harmony of the universe.

deus mundum aedificavit, fabricatus est, effecit (not creavit)1– God made the world.

deus est mundi procreator (not creator), aedificator, fabricator, opifex rerum– God is the Creator of the world.

elementa; initia or principia rerum– the elements.

elementa et tamquam semina rerum– the elements and first beginnings.

nutus et pondus or simply nutus (ῥοπή) – gravity.

2. The Earth and its Surface

orbis terrae, terrarum 2– the earth; the globe

(terra) continens (B. G. 5. 8. 2) – the continent.

terra (regio) mediterranea– an inland region; the interior.

interior Asia; interiora Asiae– the interior of Asia.

sinus urbis (Sall. Cat. 52. 35) – the heart of the city.

in ipsam or intimam Graeciam penetrare– to penetrate into the heart of Greece.

terra effert (more rarely fert,3 but not profert) fruges– the earth brings forth fruit, crops.

terra fundit fruges– the earth brings forth fruit abundantly.

animata (animalia) inanimaque (not inanimata) – animate and inanimate nature.

ea, quae terra gignit– the vegetable kingdom.