Eulalia. God spede, & a thousand mine old acqueintāce. xantippa.
xan. As many agayn, my dere hert. Eulalia. me semets ye ar warē much faire now of late.
Eula. Saye you so? gyue you me a mocke at the first dash.
xan. Nay veryly but I take you so.
Eula. Happely mi new gown maketh me to loke fayrer then I sholde doe.
xan. Sothe you saye, I haue not sene a mynioner this many dayes, I reken it Englishe cloth.
Eu. It is english stuff and dyed in Venis.
xan. It is softer then sylke what an oriente purpel colore here is who gaue you so rich a gift.
Eu. How shoulde honeste women come by their gere? but by their husbandes.
xā. Happy arte thou that hathe suche an husband, but I wolde to god for his passyon, that I had maryed an husband of clowts, when I had maried col my good mā.