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Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы)

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Акимова О. В.
Ключи к контрольным работам по английскому языку (IV–IX классы)


Grade IV. Test 1


1.1. 1 – false; 2 – false; 3 – true; 4 – false; 5 – true; 6 – false; 7 – true; 8 – true

Use of English

1.2. Bob and Sally are from York. John is new in York. He is from Bath. Ron and Betsy are in the 5th grade. Joseph is from the village near York. Ron and Betsy are friends. They are eleven. John is eleven, too. But Bob isn’t eleven. Bob and John are friends, but they aren’t in the same class. Betsy is a lively girl. Sally isn’t lively. She is a very quiet girl.


1. Peter is not at work at moment.

2. That is very kind of you.

3. My shoes are very dirty.

4. What colour is your car?

5. Are books expensive in your country?