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Нобелевские премии по физиологии или медицине за 100 лет

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Ноздрачев А. Д., Марьянович А. Т., Поляков Е. Л., Сибаров Д. А., Хавинсон В. X
Нобелевские премии по физиологии или медицине за 100 лет

100-летию учреждения Нобелевского фонда, ставшего знаковым явлением XX столетия, посвящается эта книга

Первое вручение Нобелевской премии королем Швеции Оскаром II в Стокгольме 10 декабря 1901 года.

Серия изданий по истории Нобелевского движения, как социального феномена XX века.

Подготовлено к печати при участии Международного фонда истории науки

Nozdrachev A. D., Maryanovitch А. Т., Poliakov Е. L., Sibarov D. А., Khavinson V. Kh. The Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine: One Century. 2-nd edition. St. Petersburg, Russia, “Humanistika”, 2003. 752 pp.

This is the first book in Russia devoted to Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine. It presents chronologically all 91 prizes that were awarded from 1901 to 2000. Besides, it includes the most significant information about all 172 Nobel laureates. Each article describes one annual Prize and contains portraits of laureates, the Nobel Committee formula, the essence of the discovery, its prehistory, history and scientific and practical importance, biographies of the laureates and their bibliography. Summarized facts concerning laureates’ citizenship, age, education, place of work, and age of getting the Nobel Prize are also presented. A separate chapter gets the reader acquianted with Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry which were important for development of life sciences.

The book is designed for a wide range of readers interested in history and development in the area of biology, physiology and medicine.

© А. Д. Ноздрачев, A. T. Марьянович, E. Л. Поляков, Д. А. Сибаров, В. X. Хавинсон, 2003