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Addictive Blood

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Addictive Blood

Blood Bound Book 11

Amy Blankenship, RK Melton

Copyright © 2012 Amy Blankenship

Second Edition Published by Amy Blankenship

All rights reserved.

Chapter 1

Toya crouched low on the roof of Kyoko’s home and let his golden eyes drift down toward the small building that housed the Maiden Statue in the back yard. It had been a number of years since the night he’d slipped through the barrier and found her in this world but he still remembered every detail like it had happened yesterday.

A soft smile appeared on his face thinking about her jumping into that freezing cold water after him… the little idiot couldn’t even swim but she hadn't cared.

His thoughts darkened as he recalled every time he’d met her in different realities. No matter what world, Kyoko never paused to think when it came to sacrificing herself in the heat of the moment to save someone she loved. Toya's lips thinned. He hoped to break her of that little habit or chain her headstrong ass to him so he could protect her this time.

Toya shifted his gaze and glared at the huge pond on the back area of the property. He really hoped she’d taken his advice and learned how to swim. She’d about given him a freakin’ heart attack that night drowning on him like that and when he found her he was sure as hell going to yell at her for it.

When he found her… Toya's features softened already knowing why she hadn't been right here waiting on her guardians when they crossed over. He and his brothers had already figured it out since Kyoko hadn't recognized him when he’d shown up the first time. She didn’t remember her guardians, which was about normal considering in every other dimension they’d found her in, she only held the memories of one lifetime and that was always the life she was living at that moment in that dimension.

Usually that dimensional amnesia affected all of the guardians too… including him. He couldn't count how many times he’d met Kyoko for the first time but this world was different. The Heart of Time had sent them here with a gift and a curse. For once, he and his brothers remembered everything about her… even the fact that they were all in love with her and had fought over her in parallel worlds.

His chest tightened at one memory he wished he didn’t have. He could still feel the horror of Kyoko dying in his arms, their bodies moving together as they were both impaled by a death blow meant only for him. She’d been trying to save him from Hyakuhei… and she had saved him. Toya blinked as a lone tear slid down his cheek and he angrily shoved the memory away.

Hell, even Hyakuhei remembered it all, which seemed to be in their favor considering he hadn't attacked them on sight. Of course… he hadn't really been sociable either. They had already decided to stay the hell out of his way and not antagonize him this time.

Hyakuhei hadn't been with them when they’d followed the demons through the rip so they had no idea where he’d come from and that worried them a bit. So far he just seemed to be collecting the peaces of crystal that Kyoko had obviously shattered… again. It wasn’t Kyoko’s fault… she couldn’t learn from her past mistakes if she wasn’t allowed to remember making them. He forgave her knowing if she hadn't shattered the crystal then her guardians wouldn’t have been drawn into this world to find her.