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Economics and human rights

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Economics and human rights

Andrey Sokolov

Illustrator Tatiana Sokolova

© Andrey Sokolov, 2018

© Tatiana Sokolova, illustrations, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-9087-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Andrei Sokolov

Economics and human rights

Economics, politics, laws, sociology, human rights, psychology, futurology, philosophy, ethics

Short translation into English

(The abridged version, without most tables, graphs, illustrations, quotes, examples, statistics, evidence.)

In advance, I ask the reader to forgive me for my English and the quality of the author’s translation

Full text version available in Russian

2017 in russian

2018 in English

From the author

The purpose of this book is to show the way of combining economic benefits for the state with observance of human rights.

Show that the state is getting richer when the rights of the inhabitants of this state are fully respected, the rights of all people on earth are fully respected.

Prove that respect for human rights makes people happier, and the country and their inhabitants are richer.

If this book brings the moment when economists and politicians will begin to consider the point of reference of human rights and human benefits, and not the blessings of states and peoples, then the author will be happy.

I hope this book will make the world better. At least a little better and more humane.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

United States Declaration of Independence

On December 10, 1948, the UN adopted the Declaration of Human Rights. It sets out the principles that all nations and countries must follow. In this document there are only 30 articles that describe the basic and immutable human rights. For example, the right to life, health, work, rest and so on. (156)

Since then more than 60 years have passed. Do you think how many countries in the world fully comply with the provisions of this Declaration? In which country in the world are human rights enunciated by the United Nations fully respected? Not in one!

No country in the world has implemented the provisions of the Declaration of Human Rights in full in its practice, in its laws, in the lives of its citizens.

In no country of the world human rights are fully observed.

In this book you will find evidence of this.

From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 2.