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An Exhortation to Peace and Unity

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John Bunyan
An Exhortation to Peace and Unity

[We deem it proper to state, that, though the following Treatise of Christian Union appears in nearly all the collected editions of Bunyan’s Works, yet its genuineness has been called in question by the Rev. Mr Philip in his admirable work, “The Life and Times of Bunyan.”  Without here entering into this question, we have separately appended it to the works of Bunyan in this volume, and trust that it will not prove unacceptable to our readers, especially considering the efforts that are now being made to promote the living union of all true Christians who hold the one Lord, the one faith, and the one baptism.]

Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

—Ephesians iv. 3.

Beloved, religion is the great bond of human society; and it were well if itself were kept within the bond of unity; and that it may so be, let us, according to the text, use our utmost endeavours “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

These words contain a counsel and a caution: the counsel is, That we endeavour the unity of the Spirit; the caution is, That we do it in the bond of peace; as if I should say, I would have you live in unity, but yet I would have you to be careful that you do not purchase unity with the breach of charity.

Let us therefore be cautious that we do not so press after unity in practice and opinion as to break the bond of peace and affection.

In the handling of these words, I shall observe this method.

I.  I shall open the sense of the text.

II.  I shall shew wherein this unity and peace consist.

III.  I shall shew you the fruits and benefits of it, together with nine inconveniences and mischiefs that attend those churches where unity and peace is wanting.

IV.  And, lastly, I shall give you twelve directions and motives for the obtaining of it.

1.  As touching the sense of the text, when ye are counselled to keep the unity of the Spirit, we are not to understand the Spirit of God, as personally so considered; because the Spirit of God, in that sense, is not capable of being divided, and so there would be no need for us to endeavour to keep the unity of it.