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Darkness Public Relations

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Darkness Public Relations

Anton Vuima


Makarov Ivan

© Anton Vuima, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0051-8282-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Author: Anton Vuima

PR Agency Supreme PR www.PR.HELP


First of all let’s look what exactly black PR is. In foreign literature, this term is very rare and it can be said that the term «black PR» is Russian invention. If you ask any Western Public Relations practitioner, if he is engaged in black PR, he will deffinetely be offended. But, overseas black PR is even more developed, perhaps even more strongly than in Russia. Spreading a negative information in politics and economic is a tool of competition. But there is no one who uses the term black PR. But they call it:

Fighting for fair competition;

Telling the truth about the candidates;

Fighting for human rights;

Fighting for social justice;

Fighting for democracy;

Fighting for a cleaner environment;

Fighting for the rights of consumers;

Fighting for freedom and justice;

Protection of human rights;